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Robert William Askew
Queen's Commendation for Brave Conduct

161 (Indep) Recce Flt 26 Jun 66 - 11 Jun 67

  On 6 October 1966, Second Lieutenant Askew was the pilot in command of an Army helicopter engaged on a visual reconnaissance mission ten miles North East of the Headquarters of the First Australian Task Force, Nui Dat, Phuoc Tuy Province Vietnam.

During this reconnaissance the engine of Second Lieutenant Askew's helicopter ran roughly and then failed completely setting up severe vibrations which made the helicopter almost impossible to control.

Second Lieutenant Askew was faced with an immediate emergency landing in an area consisting of flooded rice fields, rain sodden crops and jungle. He made rapid and correct decisions covering the landing and elected to fly his powerless helicopter onto a narrow dirt road, in the meantime using his radio to advise of his predicament and whereabouts.

Second Lieutenant Askew's calm and professional handling of this sudden and potentially hazardous situation, over an area unsuitable for emergency landings, reflects great credit on his personal flying skill.

His actions prevented further damage to his helicopter and saved himself and his passenger from the possibility of severe or even fatal injury.

* Text of citation has been copied from the book "Vietnam Veterans Honours & Awards Army"      

 by Alexander M. Palmer.

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