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Robert Malcolm Millar MID

161 (Indep) Recce Flt 23 Apr 70 - 01 May 71

  Captain Robert Malcolm Millar graduated from the Royal Military College on 9 December 1964. After graduation from the South Australian Institute of Technology, he later attended and was successful in completing an Applied Mechanical Engineering Course at the Royal Air Force College, Cranwell. Captain Millar arrived in South Vietnam on 23 April 1970 as the Flight Electrical and Mechanical Engineer with 161st (Independent) Reconnaissance Flight.

Throughout his tour Captain Millar displayed outstanding qualities of military professionalism. By his enduring example and personal guidance, he developed the Flight workshop into a highly efficient organisation which continuously maintained aircraft of three types at a standard which would be difficult to surpass.

Captain Millar showed an active interest in various other aspects of unit operations and administration and in this regard maintained a determined willingness to provide assistance.

By his personal devotion to duty Captain Millar set an outstanding example which was an inspiration to all ranks. A great deal of the operational success enjoyed by the Flight whilst in South Vietnam can be attributed directly to his personal effort and his results reflect great credit upon himself, his Corps and the Australian Army.

* Text of citation copied from original recommendation for " Honours & Awards" dated 08 February 1971.

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